7 research outputs found

    Real-time simulation of surgery by Proper Generalized Decomposition techniques

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    La simulación quirúrgica por ordenador en tiempo real se ha convertido en una alternativa muy atractiva a los simuladores quirúrgicos tradicionales. Entre otras ventajas, los simuladores por ordenador consiguen ahorros importantes de tiempo y de costes de mantenimiento, y permiten que los estudiantes practiquen sus habilidades quirúrgicas en un entorno seguro tantas veces como sea necesario. Sin embargo, a pesar de las capacidades de los ordenadores actuales, la cirugía computacional sigue siendo un campo de investigación exigente. Uno de sus mayores retos es la alta velocidad a la que se tienen que resolver complejos problemas de mecánica de medios continuos para que los interfaces hápticos puedan proporcionar un sentido del tacto realista (en general, se necesitan velocidades de respuesta de 500-1000 Hz).Esta tesis presenta algunos métodos numéricos novedosos para la simulación interactiva de dos procedimientos quirúrgicos habituales: el corte y el rasgado (o desgarro) de tejidos blandos. El marco común de los métodos presentados es el uso de la Descomposición Propia Generalizada (PGD en inglés) para la generación de vademécums computacionales, esto es, metasoluciones generales de problemas paramétricos de altas dimensiones que se pueden evaluar a velocidades de respuesta compatibles con entornos hápticos.En el caso del corte, los vademécums computacionales se utilizan de forma conjunta con técnicas basadas en XFEM, mientras que la carga de cálculo se distribuye entre una etapa off-line (previa a la ejecución interactiva) y otra on-line (en tiempo de ejecución). Durante la fase off-line, para el órgano en cuestión se precalculan tanto un vademécum computacional para cualquier posición de una carga, como los desplazamientos producidos por un conjunto de cortes. Así, durante la etapa on-line, los resultados precalculados se combinan de la forma más adecuada para obtener en tiempo real la respuesta a las acciones dirigidas por el usuario. En cuanto al rasgado, a partir de una ecuación paramétrica basada en mecánica del daño continuo, se obtiene un vademécum computacional. La complejidad del modelo se reduce mediante técnicas de Descomposición Ortogonal Propia (POD en inglés), y el vademécum se incorpora a una formulación incremental explícita que se puede interpretar como una especie de integrador temporal.A modo de ejemplo, el método para el corte se aplica a la simulación de un procedimiento quirúrgico refractivo de la córnea conocido como queratotomía radial, mientras que el método para el rasgado se centra en la simulación de la colecistectomía laparoscópica (la extirpación de la vesícula biliar mediante laparoscopia). En ambos casos, los métodos implementados ofrecen excelentes resultados en términos de velocidades de respuesta y producen simulaciones muy realistas desde los puntos de vista visual y háptico.The real-time computer-based simulation of surgery has proven to be an appealing alternative to traditional surgical simulators. Amongst other advantages, computer-based simulators provide considerable savings on time and maintenance costs, and allow trainees to practice their surgical skills in a safe environment as often as necessary. However, in spite of the current computer capabilities, computational surgery continues to be a challenging field of research. One of its major issues is the high speed at which complex problems in continuum mechanics have to be solved so that haptic interfaces can render a realistic sense of touch (generally, feedback rates of 500–1 000 Hz are required). This thesis introduces some novel numerical methods for the interactive simulation of two usual surgical procedures: cutting and tearing of soft tissues. The common framework of the presented methods is the use of the Proper Generalised Decomposition (PGD) for the generation of computational vademecums, i. e. general meta-solutions of parametric high-dimensional problems that can be evaluated at feedback rates compatible with haptic environments. In the case of cutting, computational vademecums are used jointly with XFEM-based techniques, and the computing workload is distributed into an off-line and an on-line stage. During the off-line stage, both a computational vademecum for any position of a load and the displacements produced by a set of cuts are pre-computed for the organ under consideration. Thus, during the on-line stage, the pre-computed results are properly combined together to obtain in real-time the response to the actions driven by the user. Concerning tearing, a computational vademecum is obtained from a parametric equation based on continuum damage mechanics. The complexity of the model is reduced by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) techniques, and the vademecum is incorporated into an explicit incremental formulation that can be viewed as a sort of time integrator. By way of example, the cutting method is applied to the simulation of a corneal refractive surgical procedure known as radial keratotomy, whereas the tearing method focuses on the simulation of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (i. e. the removal of the gallbladder). In both cases, the implemented methods offer excellent performances in terms of feedback rates, and produce.<br /

    A Statistically Customisable Web Benchmarking Tool

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    AbstractWe describe a statistically customisable solution for Web benchmarking that includes three utilities: an Internet traffic generator for HTTP traffic, an static and dynamic Web pages generator in the Web server that is going to be tested and a performance monitor that reports some performance metrics during the test. The design of the tool is based on the implementation of the most important probability distributions that mainly characterise statistical properties of Internet traffic like the inter-arrival rate of the incoming Web traffic to the server, the number of objects contained in a Web page and the size of these Web objects. These properties can be customised for a specific capacity planning analysis. In this work, we describe the generation process of the Web pages and the customisable traffic characterization used by the benchmark. The monitoring process details and the validation of the probability distributions implemented are also included

    Simulación háptica en tiempo real de contacto entre sólidos deformables

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    El TFG desarrolla una aplicación para el contacto entre sólidos deformables en tiempo real, con input del usuario por parte de un brazo háptico, que permite devolver fuerzas al usuario como output. En su realización, se ha hecho uso de un "distance field", y para calcularlo ha tenido que desarrollarse un segundo programa

    A Statistically Customisable Web Benchmarking Tool

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    Abstract We describe a statistically customisable solution for Web benchmarking that includes three utilities: an Internet traffic generator for HTTP traffic, an static and dynamic Web pages generator in the Web server that is going to be tested and a performance monitor that reports some performance metrics during the test. The design of the tool is based on the implementation of the most important probability distributions that mainly characterise statistical properties of Internet traffic like the inter-arrival rate of the incoming Web traffic to the server, the number of objects contained in a Web page and the size of these Web objects. These properties can be customised for a specific capacity planning analysis. In this work, we describe the generation process of the Web pages and the customisable traffic characterization used by the benchmark. The monitoring process details and the validation of the probability distributions implemented are also included

    A Data-Driven Space-Time-Parameter Reduced-Order Model with Manifold Learning for Coupled Problems: Application to Deformable Capsules Flowing in Microchannels

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    International audienceAn innovative data-driven model-order reduction technique is proposed to model dilute micrometric or nanometric suspensions of microcapsules, i.e., microdrops protected in a thin hyperelastic membrane, which are used in Healthcare as innovative drug vehicles. We consider a microcapsule flowing in a similar-size microfluidic channel and vary systematically the governing parameter, namely the capillary number, ratio of the viscous to elastic forces, and the confinementratio, ratio of the capsule to tube size. The resulting space-time-parameter problem is solved usingtwo global POD reduced bases, determined in the offline stage for the space and parameter variables, respectively. A suitable low-order spatial reduced basis is then computed in the online stage for any new parameter instance. The time evolution of the capsule dynamics is achieved by identifying the nonlinear low-order manifold of the reduced variables; for that, a point cloud of reduced data is computed and a diffuse approximation method is used. Numerical comparisons between the full-order fluid-structure interaction model and the reduced-order one confirm both accuracy and stability of the reduction technique over the whole admissible parameter domain. We believe that such an approach can be applied to a broad range of coupled problems especially involving quasistatic models of structural mechanics

    Atlas of Nervous System Vascular Malformations: A Systematic Review

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    Vascular malformations are frequent in the head and neck region, affecting the nervous system. The wide range of therapeutic approaches demand the correct anatomical, morphological, and functional characterization of these lesions supported by imaging. Using a systematic search protocol in PubMed, Google Scholar, Ebsco, Redalyc, and SciELO, the authors extracted clinical studies, review articles, book chapters, and case reports that provided information about vascular cerebral malformations, in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 385,614 articles were grouped; using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, three of the authors independently selected 51 articles about five vascular cerebral malformations: venous malformation, brain capillary telangiectasia, brain cavernous angiomas, arteriovenous malformation, and leptomeningeal angiomatosis as part of Sturge&ndash;Weber syndrome. We described the next topics&mdash;&ldquo;definition&rdquo;, &ldquo;etiology&rdquo;, &ldquo;pathophysiology&rdquo;, and &ldquo;treatment&rdquo;&mdash;with a focus on the relationship with the imaging approach. We concluded that the correct anatomical, morphological, and functional characterization of cerebral vascular malformations by means of various imaging studies is highly relevant in determining the therapeutic approach, and that new lines of therapeutic approaches continue to depend on the imaging evaluation of these lesions

    ESICM LIVES 2016: part two : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016.

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